With offices in Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, Living Innovations provides flexible, caring support for senior citizens, individuals with long-term illnesses or developmental disabilities and children with health and behavioral needs.
We also provide a wide range of full and part time career opportunities for people who prefer creative, emotionally rewarding work.
Our management team has an extensive background in the management and delivery of health and human services. Our professional staff are both highly trained and exceptionally experienced.. Living Innovations provides highly personalized in-home support to seniors as well as adults and children with disabilities. No two individuals' needs,personalities and circumstances are the same,so we work to match you with just the right people and the right services,whether for just a few hours of support each week or 24/7 care.
We offer solutions to the common risks to Seniors living alone:
* Falling
* Medication Issues
* Loneliness and Isolation
* Undiagnosed Illness
* Nutrition Issues
What Living Innovations Can Do To Help:
* Help with Personal Care
* Medication Reminders & Supervision
* Caring Companions
* A Friend In Need
* Meal Preparation
* Personal Emergency Alert
* Medication Management
* Community Involvement
* QuietCare 24-Hour Coverage
* Gourmet Dining At Home
Please call us to discuss how we can improve the quality of life for you and for your loved one.