This is literally the worst academy I've ever been to. I have been here for about have a year and has no progress. My brother has been here for about three years and many bad things happened. I'll list one that recently happened. It happens on April 25, 2019, my brother who is currently attending this after school on a daily base has gotten injured. He was tripped over by his friend and fall on the ground. This is very serious because he was bleeding after he falls. There are big cuts on his forehead, his face, and even in his mouth. His whole facing was basically bleeding and half of his face has big scars. This happened about ten minutes after my brother arrived at the academy while this stupid academy doesn't even call my parents. Excuse me, if you're not going to call people when emergencies happen, why do you need emergency numbers? This is ridiculously stupid to me and my family is planning on taking this to the court. This is not even the first time that my brother has got injured in this academy. This is not even the worse, the worse is that the kid who causes all the injuries on my brother's face doesn't even get into any trouble. I've always heard many people say that this is such a good academy but no it is not. To whoever that might be reading this, I'm just going to say that Little Harvard Academy sucks, you can take my words for it. There's no safety guaranteed, children are not closely watched, many accidents happen, and the adults are not even responsible. If people are willing to go to this academy risking the chance that their children might get a cut in the future without the trouble-maker even getting into trouble, go for it then. I'm strongly urging whoever that is reading this review to don't go to this academy for how it is unorganized and does not worse any of the good recommendations. This academy does not worth its price and the adults working in it are very rude and unresponsible.