Dr. Lirio came into my life early in my nursing career. I was a transplant from Philadelphia,starting a new job at BTMH. I worked professionally beside him off and on at BTMH for six years.\r
I find his professional attitude one of concern,caring, honest and reliable. He is always willing to take the time to explain the process of a new treatment modality and spend as much time as you need to understand.He treats his paitents in both hospitsl and nursing home venues without indifference. He takes time to talk to his patients and willing to answer their questions and alay some of their fears. His patients are truly blessed to have such a wonderful doctor to look after their medical care.\r
Recently I became a patient of Dr. Lirio. I didn't assume the sick role very well at first. I don't know if it was,""oh this can't be happening to me,I am a nurse and stoic I will be and remain that way"" But it happened and sure enough I fell into the sick role harder than I thought I would. I wanted control over what was happening to me. And I couldn't get it. then one day at an office visit, Dr. Lirio said to me, Let me worry and take care of these things the best I can. And he has. He treats my physical problems as well as my depression and anxiety. He keeps my pain under control., And keeps me as functional in society as my pysical problems allow. Now I am facing surgery in a few weeks. I am afraid. But I know with Dr. Lirio's help I will be fine. I recommend this doctor to all. The sincerity in his eyes and his impish smile will put you at ease. His bedside manner, well I am guessing he didn't learn in school. IT is just him. A truely competant, intelligent, warm and caring man. One thing, you two are a team. Work together with him. Although he can be discribed as a Kitty Cat, The lion shows up every once in a while. \r
if he can't diagnose your ailment, he will point you in the right direction. Al l the time caring about you and your needs.\r
I trust him with my life.