The Link-Nilsen Corporation is a fire protection contracting firm specializing in the design, construction and service of engineered fire protection systems. Founded in 1972, the Link-Nilsen Corporation is located in the City of Arcadia California.
Call us for an immediate quote on a State Fire Marshall title 19-5 year inspections, remodel, or other fire sprinkler work. Our Service Department is here to assist you with all your fire sprinkler needs.
*Saturday by Appointment Only. Link-Nilsen provides the finest automatic fire sprinkler installation,service,remodeling and design in the industry.
Some of the Services We Provide Are:
* Fire Sprinklers
* Stand Pipes
* Hydrants
* Fire Pumps
* Design
* Installation
* Service
* Title 19 - 5 Year Inspections
* Reg 4 (City of Los Angeles) 5 Year Inspections Remodeling and Relocation Services