Exceptional Good Rates For Exceptionally Good Risk
Lindquist Insurance Associates, Inc. is a firm of proven professionals; caring and conscientious people, the kind you can depend on. We are committed to maintaining a high standard of excellence in all that we do and to establishing a firm relationship of mutual trust and service with each of our clients. Randy Lindquist started in the insurance business in 1980 with a local agency. As a long-time Frederick County resident, and Certified Insurance Counselor, Randy understands the needs of local residents and they can depend on his advice. That's why Erie chose him in 1992 to be one of their agents in Maryland.The Erie Advantage has to be earned and Randy has become one of their premier agents in the state. The Erie Advantage available from Lindquist Insurance provides as near perfect service as is humanly possible at the lowest possible cost.Let us prove it to you through an insurance review today. Call us at 301-865-1311.