A multi-discipline professional services firm located in Sterling, Dixon, Freeport, Mendota, and Rockford in Illinois. Various other locations can be found In Washington, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
We recognize customer service is the key to our on-going success and growth. We began in 1930 with one man and now have grown to:
132 partners
950 associates
19 US offices
2 India offices
6 industry focuses
ONE firm
With approximately 950 professionals in 19 offices make us one of the largest accounting firms in the United States. As a trusted business advisor to more than 20,000 clients in a variety of industries, we enjoy a solid reputation as industry experts.
The firm serves businesses of various sizes, from large public and private companies, to closely held family-owned businesses. Whether we?re helping clients streamline processes, improve performance, leverage the right technology, or increase financial success, we offer innovative, effective, and personalized services.
Our services focus on improving the key components of every successful organization:
Process and performance management
Human resources
Operations and organization structure
Systems and information technology
Marketing, sales, and customer service
Capital and financial strength
Wipfli places a particular focus on specific industries, including construction/real estate, financial institutions, health care, nonprofit, and manufacturing/distribution. Members of many of Wipfli?s industry-focused teams meet regularly to discuss best practices, industry issues, and updates. These meetings ensure that our associates continue to provide clients with exceptional expertise and service.
Our team approach
You can rely on a consistent, cohesive, and dedicated team of service professionals and industry-focused experts who draw from a wide range of collective knowledge and experience. Clients tell us o