My tip is far as advertising that you finance up to 5000 dollars, and how no-one will be turned away, and leading people to beleive that they can actually go there and leave completely no no...I'm sorry. Lincoln Dental finances NOBODY. If you don't have insurance, or CASH, or the ability to secure a way to PAY THEM IMMEDIATELY, then you will leave the same way you came in. I found them to be very friendly however, very nice people! It just upset me a little that even tho I paid them 1800 dollars, with a 69 dollar balance, this guy was really struggling to let me walk out of there with that balance!!! And I was coming back in TWO DAYS!! And I had JUST given them that money two weeks prior! So yeah...they need to convey that you will NOT be taken care of unless you can PAY IN FULL...just like evrywhere else....