Dr. John Limperis is no longer my primary care physician due to insurance changes, but in the years that he was my PCP, I had the greatest respect for him. Dr. Limperis is the type of doctor who never has a problem getting patients because so many recommend him to their friend. You may have to wait a bit longer than you would with other doctors, but it's worth it. When he sees you, he sits down with you and gives you all the time you need. He's not the type that rushes in, asks what's wrong, gives you 10 perscriptions and then runs on to the next patient. Instead, he takes the time to really understand what's wrong and will give you the most honest and straight-forward advice you will ever get. He also is hesitant about just handing out perscriptions if the condition is something which might be able to be corrected through other means. I would strongly recommend him to anyone in need of a good physician and would do so without batting an eye.