This place is no place for a child of any age! A quick look at the website from Texas department of health and human services will show you what really goes on there! My kids were there for a very short period (3 months) and I am beside myself thinking of what I still dont know about what happen when my children attended the madhouse. When I showed up to view video tapes of a teacher hurting my son... They gave me the run around and still couldnt produce them. But it gets worse! When I showed up to talk to the director that I had a scheduled appt with there was NO ONE WORKING in the front and the phones were cut off because thy couldnt pay the bill. I called the police because all of those kids are in danger! The 54+ reports in the last 24 months will blow your mind! Hurting kids? Covering babies faces? Not sanitary? Give me a break! The place obviously doesnt care about malpractice and liability! Dont sign your babies up and if you have them there RUN!