This service is provided to me in connection with my cable service from Blue Ridge Cable, and the system has performed just fine. Ongoing customer service has been spotty, ranging from quite good to poor. And I think this is related directly to the particular customer service rep I was connected to. Last year, I had two instances where I was told that a part was being shipped, and it hadn't been. And there was another problem-solving incident where the rep seemed to be more interested in hearing himself talk, and seeming to get some personal pleasure out of busting my chops with his techno-talk, combined with a down-home talk-me-to-death concerns about how the weather was in my area, and how I liked the private gated community where I live. Maybe he was just lonely....It got to the point when this guy would pick up my call, I would just hang up and call back again a little later, hoping to get someone else. So now I'm waiting for a replacement for a defective sensor, and if I receive it, and if I receive it in a reasonable amount of time, then this most recent incident will be OK.