Its been 8 years since I first heard of Life Grocery in Marietta, GA. I had a sinus infection that would not go away. I knew it was caused by the bad foods I was eating (dairy, too much wheat, refined sugar, processed meats, etc). \r
I also needed a good colon cleanse (which I purchased there). The colon cleanse worked like a charm. When you are in the Supplement Department, ask about how to rid you body from harmful parasites. It's a good practice. I use, on occasion, Oil of Oreganol. But you will have to test the products out for yourself...because everyone's body operates a little differently.\r
Anyway, 8 years later, my health has improved tremendously because I am more concious of how, when, and what I eat...well, most of the time. \r
I have been referred to the best Chiropractors who also specialize in diet and nutrition; I've been referred to the best Naturopath doctors and Metal Free Dentist, etc. - all by Life Grocery staff. Believe me, they have changed my life - including the way I think. It's amazing how much my mind / thinking has improved and become even more positive since I have taken a more natural approach. \r
Now, I haven't completely changed the way I eat - I am just more careful about what I eat. Example: I don't do the processed foods anymore. I also supplement my diet with natural (without the harmful additives) vitamins. (Note that the key word is natural). I do my best to stay away from refined sugars. I am still working on not eating refined flours, but I am getting there.\r
After not eating refined sugar and cleaning my body internally using supplementation of vitamins and getting nutrients from fresh fruit and veges, I don't even crave the sugars anymore. I believe and have been taught that if you get rid of the bad bacteria in your guy and changing to a non sweets diet, you can reduce your craving for sugar. Sugar = Bad Carbs = Weight Gain = Getting ill.\r
As I said, you can learn a lot at Life Grocery. You just have to get involved in its community. After listening to other members in the Life Grocery community (even its employees), and attending some of its educational functions, it becomes a lifestyle...a lifestyle of learning and feeling good about you and the people around you.
Pros: Educational, Friendly
Cons: Only One Location