Holistic Healing,Chinese Medicine,Herbs,Therapeautic Massage,Fire Cupping,Moxabustion,Qigong,Tai Qi Quan,Tai Chi,Kung Fu,Martial Arts; Tai Chi Scott Grundmeyer works to heal your whole being,and not just your body,through the use of herbs,exercises,and breath. Whether you are a weekend warrior athlete trying to get back in the game,or are in need of an alternative healing method instead of pills,Scott can help you. Scott is a master at: Fire Cupping,Moxabustion,Qigong,Tai Qi Quan. What is QIgong? Qigong is the medical and lifestyle healing that works by aligning breath,exercise and mindfulness. This practice heals the whole self by incorporating various forms of martial arts with the spiritual awakening to the true self.