We help put your life back together.
Daniel A. Lewandowski is a family and divorce attorney in Rockford, Illinois who also represents criminals and handles will and estate issues. Choosing a lawyer with whom to trust is a serious decision. Experience; education; demeanor in and out of court; all are serious attributes by which you should base your decision. With Daniel Lewandowski, you?ll receive the highest levels in every category, and you?re sure to be pleased with the outcome of your case.He represents clients in cases such as:â?¢ Divorce / post divorceâ?¢ Child supportâ?¢ Maintenanceâ?¢ Custodyâ?¢ Visitationâ?¢ Adoptionâ?¢ PaternityFree initial consultations and evening appointments are available. Daniel wants you to know that he goes out of his way to accommodate your every need in accordance with your case.Take the first step to restructuring your life with a call to Daniel Lewandowski today.