Criminal charges can turn a person's life upside down, especially if they retain an inadequate defense lawyer to handle their case. The experience itself can be taxing on a defendant's emotions and health due to the stress of the situation, and if they are convicted, the penalties could devastate their career, finances, and relationships.
If you are in such a situation, do not take chances when hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Punta Gorda, FL. The law firm of Leskovich Law Group, P.A. has the experience and aggression that you need in order to see your charges reduced or dismissed.
Criminal Defense Practice Areas
Leskovich Law Group, P.A. has experience defending clients from all kinds of criminal charges, from misdemeanors to life felonies. Our Punta Gorda defense attorneys represent all types of cases, including those that involve:
Drug Crimes
Federal Crimes
Sex Crimes
Theft Crimes
Violent Crimes
White Collar Crimes
If you need competent legal defense for any of the cases listed above, do not hesitate to consult with an attorney from our firm as soon as possible.
Aggressive Representation from a Trial Lawyer
When you have been accused of committing a crime, only a trial attorney can provide the representation that you need. Most lawyers will attempt to negotiate with the prosecutor to obtain a plea bargain instead of having to take your case to trial; at Leskovich Law Group, P.A. we know that a trial could be the best option in your defense and if it is, we will readily take your case before a judge and jury and fight for your freedom.
Our firm has taken hundreds of cases to trial over the past 25 years and is prepared to do the same for you if necessary. As former public defenders and prosecutors, we have a detailed understanding of your opponent's tactics and could strategically build your defense accordingly. There are numerous benefits of hiring a trial lawyer, so consult with a member of our team today to discuss what we could do on your behalf