These inferior products were the biggest waste of our company's resources. We wish we had never talked to these people before, or more like it we wish that our boss wasn't in with this company. The corporate friendships that base this company's business are really what build its popularity. If you're not a personal friend of the family, don't do business with them. Sharp multi-function printers are more like never function printers and the quality is ridiculously horrible. We are finally getting out of our contract and shopping around for something new, but I can tell you that this choice was a bad one. We ended up outsourcing all of our presentation materials because the quality from these devices simply wasn't good enough to show to potential clients. The prints were streaky and the machine was always getting jammed. There was no service to speak of as every time we called for something we were just put on a waiting list: not good for business. This company, Sharp, as a printing company is a joke to the rest of the industry and after our research we found that their best dealership is Les Olson out of Utah. If your best dealership is in Utah out of the entire world that should tell you right there you need to get your stuff up to date with the rest of the industry. The only thing that gets people to buy from them is that these printers are super cheap. Trust me when I say that they aren't even worth that.
Pros: Cheap
Cons: Cheap pieces of junk