Well Lemmond's claims to guarantee that their old, run down, over-priced crappy mobile homes are in good condition. HOWEVER, the one that they swindled my mother into buying from them, (a 1988 for over 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!, Has been nothing but a headache! She has had to call them numerous times to come back out to fix things, And, after she herself bought a new hot water heater and paid to have it repainted, her washing machine was fried do to the faulty wiring!!!!! She had a 5 year warranty on the washing machine, but, that doesn't cover faulty wiring! And, the repair people from Lemmond came out and ""fixed"" the wiring, discovering that it was wired backwards! Now the Owner refuses to reimburse my mother for the loss of her washing machine. He has been extremely rude and disrespectful towards her. Even YELLING at her over the phone! Now he tells her to contact her insurance department?! Knowing full well that NO insurance company will insure this FIRETRAP!!