At LEC we strive to teach a total horsemanship program involving the theory as well as philosophy of riding principles. We, in turn, produce effective, safe, and competent horse people. Groups, Privates, and Semi-Privates are all offered at LEC. Lessons are scheduled in 9 week sessions, with groups/privates meeting on a weekly basis. Beginner students to riding will begin their lessons on the lunge line. All NEW students to LEC must have an assessment lesson prior to groups. LEC incorporates a system of 6 levels (Green, Pink, White, Yellow, Red, Blue) to measure the knowledge and riding principles of each rider. At LEC the total horsemanship experience is what we strive to give to each student. It is not always possible to teach the importance of nutrition/conditioning/vet care/hoof care/tack, etc during lessons, however these are just as important as heels down, and form over fences, if not more important - because this information is what allows us to have happy, healthy horses in order to ride in the first place. At LEC each student needs to KNOW deep in their core the answers to the questions and objectives at each level. It is not important that they can answer the questions today or tomorrow on the test - but that they can share their knowledge with another rider months from now. That is what creating a legacy is about – passing on information on to the next generation. Each rider will be tested in both written and riding in order to pass the color level. LEC students MUST test at least once during a calendar year. It is required that you score 90% or above in both written and riding in order to pass the color level. If you do not pass, you will need to wait for the next testing – there will be no re-tests. The awards ceremonies giving each passing student their color level stripes will happen once a year during an events when most of the LEC family is together. If a student has passed their color level they will be awarded their ‘stripes'. These stripes will then need to be embroidered (LEC will provide a voucher) on a WHITE/NAVY or RED square saddle pad, on the left hand side with the LEC logo, (those who do not have a pad are encouraged to purchase one) they will use these pads at shows during schooling, or at home while hacking or in lessons.