This is my story and you can draw your own conclusions. Our cat was an outdoors cat, after six years of going outside she came home with a big gash on her belly. The wound area and her leg were swollen and bloody. My partner rushed her to the vet, and Dr. Costa received her. She told my partner that she will stitch her and everything will be fine. Which gave us so much hope; because we thought her condition was fatal, that’s how bad it was. She had been like this for four days before she made it home and we feared the worst. After the surgery, the vet told us that she had to cut a lot of flesh to get rid of the dead tissue but that she will be fine.\r
My partner came to visit her and the assistant brought her out holding her by the upper body letting the belly with stitches and wound drainage hang, like if this would be a perfectly healthy animal that didn’t go through trauma the previous day. My partner had to tell her, can you please handle her gently. When I went in to see her, t