Mr. Najar, Please, Please, Please tell Kim to stop making a fool of herself on TV. Enough is enough, at first I thought she was cool and unfortunately she acts like a fool. ABC's of singing cannot change the fact that you will never be a pro. singer. SHE CAN'T SING!!! Is this really just a joke or an act? K-A-T? It's CAT, Ms. Confident. STOP embarrassing yourself girl, Please!!!! I feel sorry for her and especially her daughters. All the girls friends are definitely laughing at them now. Their parents are probably mortified for them all as well. How can Kim face the public now? No wonder you don't want anyone to know that she is your mistress. I wouldn't want anyone to know that I was the fool sugardaddying it up for that IDIOT either! Dallas Austin must owe you BIG time, his reputation is going to only get worse with this publicity. He must be on more Coke (not cola) when he listens to her. Is she serious??? P.S. Make sure you tell Kim to stop sitting in her car with a glass of wine in her hands. Drinking and Driving is BAD!!!!!!!!! DumbDumb! This is all UNBELIEVABLE Mr. Najar and VERY , VERY BAD FOR YOUR BUSINESS and REPUTATION. I suggest you CUT-HER-OFF now and send her back to CT before she does YOU and YOURS more damage.