I was told after a consultation that I was a good candidate for jaw surgery; a surgery that would cost 25k-30k. During the consultation, I was hesitant about the recovery time, but was told within two weeks I would be up and moving and four weeks I could go back to work. After deposits were made and the surgery was scheduled, Dr. Lee admonished me for thinking this was a four-week recovery time and, if there were complications, I may need 3-4 months. Of course, I would not have scheduled a surgery and had braces put on had I known that. I find the over-selling during the scheduling of this surgery to be in direct conflict with the "you're not taking this seriously", give yourself several months AFTER the scheduling of the surgery. I found it very underhanded and an expensive lesson to learn. Unfortunately, I didn't read other reviews of staff issues and questionable practices before I entered this process. Shame on me.