Lebanon Farms Disposals throw EVERYTHING (garbage, recyclables, cardboard) into the SAME truck. I never noticed because they usually come around 4am Friday morning (and on a side note, almost always wake me up). Last week, my husband had to get up really early for work and noticed what the garbage collectors were doing. He said, ""Hey, They Just Threw Everything into that one truck."" I later called the company to first ask whether or not they had hybrid trucks. After she told me that they did not, I told her what my husband saw. She said that ""No, that never happens"" and that the company could be fined. I decided that I wanted to see for myself. I knew I did not have to set my alarm because like I said, they almost always wake me up . . . Well, sure enough . . . it happened again. EVERYTHING WAS THROWN INTO THE SAME TRUCK. I'm not saying all personnel do this, but watch for yourself, especially if you have a Friday morning or any other early morning pick up. Now I'm deciding whether or not I should go to the papers.