LeSash Nutrition & Health, LLC is a NYC Certified MWBE, NYS Certified M/WBE, and NYCDOE Vendor, located on the North Shore of Staten Island. We now service all boroughs and the surrounding areas virtually. We take a holistic approach helping each client work toward their nutritional goals. LeSash Nutrition & Health has treated hundreds of clients and their families for an array of conditions particularly weight management for over a decade. We protect our client’s privacy, but also welcome family members to counseling sessions, if possible. We work to improve their health by developing goals tailored together with the individual and help achieve these goals through in-depth nutrition counseling. In family counseling, everyone takes an active role in improving their health and nutrition. In doing so, clients have a support system at home and here at LeSash Nutrition & Health that together improves the health of families and subsequently that of the community.