Le Parc is currently going through a HUGE undertaking of putting up roofs, taking down the patio's and replacing them, painting the outside, putting in new pipes and new electrical. Most companies are smart and do this as it goes wrong so as not to disturb the peace and quiet of the tenants. NOT this place. They were noisy 7 days out of the week up until all the tenants united against the noise. Their solution was we will let you break the lease and leave even though the lease is not up. So, quite a few people have left. If you pull in to the driveway, you will see that it looks like a bomb has went off in here. The front looks all nice and pretty as you drive by. But, if you drive in, you will see what is going on in here. This is definitely NOT a place for rest and relaxation. Not unless you love the sound so jackhammers and generators all day long. This has been going on since April of 2008 and it is now December. That's how much they care about their tenants.