This company has a commitment to failure. Delivery trucks drove across my lawn, effectively destroying a quarter of my front yard. Even after having to pay for landscaping, the driver drove across my lawn again, twice more! Both times nearly backing over my septic tank. Assurance after assurance from Scott (local manager) that it wouldn't happen again, I had to take it to the corporate level. Robyn (corporate sales) and Brock Agee (corporate level management)...try as they might... were even unable to affect a change. Just more empty apologies and delivery debacles. I understand the management has changed at this location, it can only be an improvement on the incompetence and pathetic service that is their legacy to me and everyone I have the opportunity to tell.\r
As a footnote, even after severing my business with LeBleu, telling them I didn't want another LeBleu truck on my property...and advising them that I would call when I am ready for the empties to be picked up, lo and behold a LeBleu truck pulls up in my driveway last week. And all I got was another perfunctory apology from Brock Agee, corporate manager. \r
It is a shame. This company has good water. But they are less threatened by competition than they are by their own poor service and wretched management. I can provide email documentation and security camera captures for anyone who doubts the accuracy of my complaint.\r
If you choose this company, get yourself a security camera system, a good landscaper, and some Paxil. You'll probably need all three.
Pros: Water is very clean and pure
Cons: Everything else but the product is a dismal failure