This attorney isn't worth the paper his degree is on. He asked me to rate, blog and review him when we were done and since I had to hire another attorney to get the job done, I guess this means we're done. He lied to us about court dates and we didn't know until the magistrates office confirmed it. I also paid for my own process server, notaries and time for him to use a stores computer. We did have one court date but I had to leave the room. He told me the court wanted it in another docket, we found out from the magistrate that it got kicked out due to him not sending notification in appears he thinks seven days is enough. The first time he lied to me about the imaginary court date, I was angry, he said it was the courts that cancelled the date "because they're so disorganized". The second time he actually allowed me to sob on the phone when again he told me that we were not on the calendar; mind you the dates were all on Mondays and one date he called me the night before and the other was on a Saturday I believe. I just couldn't get over him allowing me to sob when he knew the entire time that he was lying. It was at that point (a year later) that I started to get more involved because I had never hired an attorney in this field so I was mislead to believe he knew what he was doing. I sent him a text telling him that I was going to get the copies from the courts as he never ever gave me a copy of anything. Then because he had said the magistrate would not return his call, I told him that I was going to try and reach them myself. So that Monday which was a fake date he had given us. Instead of being in a courtroom, I was at the clerks office and then the magistrates finding out all of this. After the text where I told him that I would try to contact the magistrate, I never heard anything from him. Not one phone call, text or email. I then hired another attorney, when they contact him to have him removed, he acted like a child and refused to answer their phone calls and mailings.