Lawn Dawg is the best lawn care co. for environmentally friendly lawn/tree/shrub service for complete lawn care for residential/commercial.
Lawn Dawg takes pride in personalized service to customers and care of lawns. No matter the season; spring, summer or fall, Lawn Dawg has your total lawn care. Customer Service Commitment is your proof and assurance that every experience you have with Lawn Dawg will be pleasant and professional. Lawn Dawg cares about being environmentally friendly and uses organic-based lawn fertilizer and specializes in environmentally friendly lawn care. EarthCare lawn provides a Cooler Earth, Cleaner Air and Cleaner Ground Water? Cooler Earth: A healthy lawn is extremely efficient at reducing carbon dioxide and converting it to oxygen. Cleaner Air: A healthy lawn reduces dust, pollen and purifies polluted air. Cleaner Ground Water: A thick, healthy lawn acts as a filter to preserve and enhance the quality of surface and groundwater. Call us today at 888.925.3294 for a free, no-obligation estimate!