Jesus Zuniga was the absolute worst choice I could have made in terms of representation. He was initially retained for a custody issue I was having with my daughter, and in a rush I foolishly decided on him due to some of the good Google reviews that I saw. Little did I know how those reviews were not representative of the service I (or many others) received. He proved to be very incompetent, costly for lack of work performed, cost us money that shouldn’t have been paid out to the other party in my case, as well as made us look foolish in court in front of the opposing Attorney and Judge, thus setting the negative tone for future hearings. Was late to court. Never replied in a timely manner. Waited until last minute to submit documents with court/opposing attorney. Failed to bring up relevant points in court, constantly just agreed with attorney requests even if they weren't in best interest of client, and cost us thousands of dollars that should not have had to have been paid.