The Law Office of R. Winston Slater serves McHenry County and Fox Valley, as well as the surrounding communities. When you want a fast resolution to your legal problem, you want R. Winston Slater. We have the experience and talent you deserve.
Our philosophy is to resolve your issue with as little legal intervention as possible. Litigation is expensive and rarely benefits anyone but the lawyer. It?s far more time consuming and stressful. We try to urge all parties to consider compromise instead of contention.
We specialize in:
â?¢ Bankruptcy, including Chapter 7 and 13 filings
â?¢ Real estate purchase and sale, closing and title
â?¢ Divorce, child custody, visitation, child support and spousal support
â?¢ Wills, trusts, and estates
â?¢ Patents, trademarks, and copyrights
â?¢ Corporate law
â?¢ General dispute resolution
With our experience in bankruptcy law, we can help you relieve your debt and stop creditor harassment. We?ll work with you through every step of the process. We look forward to serving you.
Call the Law Office of R. Winston Slate today for an appointment.
Copyright Law|Estate Law|General Practice|Patent Law|Real Estate Law|Trademark Law|Wills