Patricia helped my significant other and I through a very difficult and contentious custody dispute with his ex-wife over her attempt to reduce visitation and overall access to their daughter no almost nothing. The issue began shortly after the ex remarried and got pregnant. Her justification for taking action against us was best irrational.
Patricia, is an outstanding professional, with great legal/procedual expertise, and a highly tuned people sense. Her skills helped us get to a settlement in which we were the prevailing party. We gained parenting time, a detailed and enforceable parenting plan, and our time with the daughter back.
She is worth every penny you pay her. Unlike some in family law, she is NOT a used car sales person. She will give it to you straight. Pat does not roll over for anyone. Like anything, you get out what you put into your legal efforts. If you equip her with what she needs to fight for you, can keep yourself organized, and can practice rationality under fire, than Patricia is your attorney.
Pros: Great strategist, diligent, passionate, & detail oriented