Call Sunshine Aluminum Specialties for all your Screens needs today!
Our company since it's inception is our outstanding customer service. We like to brake it down into four parts. It starts with talking to a real person and not some recorded answering machine. Unlike 99% of other companies in our industry we have a actual office you can walk into that is staffed with knowledgeable people waiting to answer your questions. Secondly, we believe a large part of customer service is being on time for appointments! We don't give a all day window, so sitting around the house is a thing of the past. Our appointments are set so you can plan your day knowing that we're going to be there with in the time frame we give you. Third is the way we present our estimates. We don't write our estimates on the back of business cards or show up like we just came off of vacation. Our estimates are provided in a red folder with copies of our insurance as well as workers compensation for your verification. We do not use any subcontractors, so our customers don't have to worry if the workers are covered by insurance. Yes you might get a cheaper price but that just means someone is cutting corners some where. Usually it's on the insurance that the corners are cut. This is dangerous to the home owner and unfortunately something not many people know. Finally our workers arrive in company attire and in vehicles that are clearly marked from us. This way your not wondering who is showing up at your house. If you've seen our trucks you know its pretty obvious what company they belong to. They are polite and professional and can answer all your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!