Offering physical therapy and physical therapists services.
At Leaps and Bounds Therapy, pediatrics is our specialty.
Services are provided in a professional setting specially designed with children in mind. We offer private treatment rooms, large gym area, indoor play structure and a therapeutic pool.
We Have Therapists Trained in a Variety of Intervention Programs Including:
-Neurodevelopmental Treatment (ndt)
-Sensory Integration (sipt certified)
-Therapeutic Listening
-Craniosacral Therapy
-Hanen Program
-Brain Gym
Children with the following issues could be considered candidates for physical therapy:
-Delayed gross motor skills
-Difficulty with mobility, walking, crawling, sitting, etc.
-Orthopedic problems
-Neurological conditions affecting mobility
-Low or high muscle tone
-Poor coordination Clumsiness
-Decreased strength
-Decreased flexibility or range of motion
-Difficulty with balance
-Poor posture