As anyone with children knows, it is hard to find a quality daycare for your children. The staff at Laura's is wonderful. They are so nice; from the moment I walked in there and talked to the staff, I knew this was the place. We had tried other facilities, but the staff was rude and constantly yelled at the children. At the other facility my daughter would scream and cry (after 3 mos. of being there) when I dropped her off every morning. At Laura's she cried the first morning, and when I went to pick her up she said, "Mommy I want to stay, I don't want to go home." At that moment a weight was lifted from my shoulders because I no longer had to worry whether my daughter was being taken care of. I can leave her at Laura's and I have the peace of mind of knowing that she is safe and no one is mistreating her. This is not just a day care were the children play all day; the first half of the day is preschool. I am so amazed at how much my daughter has learned.