This store has two locations, one in Redondo Beach and the other in nearby Santa Monica. I found the Redondo Beach store to be the friendlier of the two. They have a very large selection of books and yarns, however, most of the yarns are exotic and trendy, the kind that might be nice if you want to make a trendy shawl or scarf. The shop is long and narrow with lots of little cubbies containing a small number of skeins of each kind of yarn on offer. Class projects are basic, introductory projects and if you need support for more advanced projects, you won't find it here. No sock yarn, no Fair Isle knitting yarns. This is a very niche boutique that does not have a wide selection, but within their niche, they seem to offer alot. To one person it may seem gaudy, to another it may be their cup of tea - lots of funky fibers.
Pros: Great selection of trendy yarns
Cons: Very little selection of traditional yarns for classic knitting