Lasting Impressions Pre-School and Child Care Center is contracted by the City of Martinez to provide affordable, quality care for the young children of our Community. The Center is located in beautiful Morello Park adjacent to the Morello Park Elementary School. Lasting Impressions is housed in the Morello Park Center building.
Lasting Impressions is a year around facility that is open Monday - Friday. We offer pre-school and child care services for children ages 2 through entering first grade. (All children must be toilet trained) Children may attend the Center for full time, pre-school only (8 am to 12:00pm) or part time (before and/or after pre-school when blocked scheduled). Our formal pre-school program is offered from 8 am to 12:00pm September through June. A less formal pre-school program based on different themes each week is offered from the middle of June through August.
The daily curriculum offers exploration in art, drama, music, science, cooking, pre-mat h skills, pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, motor skill development and much more. All of our activities are created emphasizing the individual growth and development of the child. Particular attention is given to Kindergarten readiness. Our curriculum allows the flexibility for children to enter into our program at anytime during the year.. Lasting Impressions is licensed to care for 24 children by the State of California. The Center is staffed with instructors who meet State of California. The Center is staffed with instructors who meet State of California licensing requirements in Early Childhood Education.
For additional information regarding the program at Lasting Impressions or for an appointment to register your child,pleas phone Pat Bayless at Lasting Impressions.