My love handles are GONE like Donkey Kong. I am excited to have a flat tummy for the first time in my entire life.
Like most of my friends, I love to work out and I have a VERY active lifestyle. Unlike most of my friends, I could NOT get rid of a little puff of fat around my middle no matter how much ab work and cardio I did.
I have really wanted lipo, but am scared to death of being out under anesthesia. I went to see Dr. Wright and part of his technique is that it's just local. BONUS. I booked the procedure, but had to change it because of work. When I finally got it done, I was so sorry I hadn't done it sooner. I recovered fast, had just a little tenderness on my tummy that week, and wore a stretchy support tank from the sports store. It was absolutely amazing watching my sides shrink down, down, down, down, DOWN. I don't have any love handles anymore. Nada. None. Zip. Zero.
So thrilled. It was nothing. No big deal at all. Loving the slimmed up me, loving the mirror every day, loving the result. Can't recommend it highly enough.