We hired this clan to do a city sewer connection. As the previous review claims ITS RIGHT ON THE MONEY! These people create havoc, hostility, use profanity, and all fight about having to do any work while discussing in front of the customers how they don't get paid enough to do what they are asked to do. We have tried to get the office or someone responsible enough to handle a problem to show concerns for our very legitimate complaint. Due to legal reasons I must not go into details. They have been paid in full a large some of money as we agreed on. The problem is, they left an expensive mess behind THAT was not that way when they arrived. Some of the mess will cause wood rot to the room addition we have. Some of the mess will track mud in our home until cleaned up. They were too lazy to remove the huge amounts of dirt that they spread out over my $500.00 Limestone driveway at the back of my house WHICH WAS NO WHERE NEAR THE DIGGING! I have a grade(ground level) As much as 14"" higher near my storage shed than I had before. I have a set of videos in HIGH DEF with Audio I am going to have a blast with. I will assure you!!!! Before you can view them I will allow the people still using Larry Teague's name/ reputation as a plumbing ""service""?? To make things right should they have any idea where to start. Maybe the 4 service men that I got over a couple days were just the worst they have? All of them showed no class and bad mouthed the company they worked for. As I was explained to by one they have to hurry because the boss wants THE RENTAL returned even if the job is incomplete. That left quite a bit of hand digging to finish the job??? Also the man in charge on site was very pushy about getting paid before I had the chance to review the mess they so made. After making a claim with the rude office lady I Was told they would come back Saturday by Noon at the latest. Guess what? NO CALL, NO SHOW> Instead on Monday a rude kid pounded on our door as if he owned my house. I was just about to leave to see my accountant for my 9 AM Appointment. I told him to leave and that a specific clean up agreement needs to be written up by a responsible member of the company otherwise they are tress-passing (not having an appointment and whatnot) Just come by when you feel like it I was thinking ""help yourself to my property whenever you wish since that's the way you ROLL!!! I will get to the bottom of this and keep everyone in the WORLD posted on how it works out. I have many, many friends in Jacksonville since I have lived here my entire life and have owned a business here for 15+ Years.