I can't say enough BAD about this dealer. The following was my experience:
The keep most of their cars at the parking deck at Landmark mall (nearby, but cannot easily be walked to, especially at night). For this reason, you need to drive the dealer to the mall, where you dropoff your car and pick up a test drive vehicle.
We went on the test drive, but instead of returning to the parking deck, we were instructed to return to the dealership. We were clear that this was our first test drive and we weren't ready to buy (and, given that we had an infant with us, we were not prepared to be out too late). He insisted that we just return to the dealership where our car would be brought to us.
While we waited, they started to make offers. "No, we're not buying today and we really need to get home to put our child in bed." They continued to push, even as our child started crying.
"Where is our car?" we asked. The dealer, acting confused said, "it's right out front, as soon as we agree to a price and you sign the papers."
"No, we're not buying a car today." He continued to say that we could drive off in our new car and get home if only we'd discuss price and sign papers.
"We just want to take our own car home. Where is it?"
We were then told that no one had bothered to go get it. The dealer asked an assistant to go get the car. We sat for another 45 minutes and still nothing. More high pressure sales during the wait.
After 45 minutes, I asked again "where is our car?" The dealer checked and told us that no one went. I demanded to get my car back.
So, we got into the new car and drove back to the mall. When I indicated that I was unhappy with how we were treated, the dealer used the "N" word to refer to African-American assist who never got our car.
The next day, we got a call from the dealer saying that they were going to offer us a great price (which he quoted). He said it was the same vehicle and configuration we'd looked at.
I raced down, even though I wasn't happy with the fact we'd be detained the night before (and the racist attitude), because the price was about $500 cheaper than another dealer had offered.
After getting all the paperwork going, I noticed that the configuration was not what I'd indicated. The dealer told me that he couldn't possibly sell me the same configuration at that price. I asked to see a manager. The manager said that he didn't care what the dealer told me over the phone (or via a confirmation e-mail that I was able to print from the manager's computer). "I sell cars for what I want and I don't care about any e-mail or what one of our employees said."
We debated, calmly, for a few minutes. The manager kept saying that he didn't care about the e-mail or the phone call. He said that he didn't care about the honesty of his employees. "If they tell you something that's false, I'm not required to follow through on it" he said.
Eventually, I got fed up and asked that everything be torn up. I was loud in my request, but far from threatening. As I walked out, the dealer yelled that someone should call the police to have me arrested! I walked to my car and the assistant GM (a football player sized man) followed me and told me that he would never sell me a car. He confirmed what the floor manager said: they don't care what claims the salespeople make, even in writing. If they don't make a profit, then they'll renig on any claim.
In the end, I bought elsewhere where they keep promises. Landmark Honda keeps sending me SPAM (even when I asked everything of mine to be torn up, they seemed to have kept my e-mail address).
If you like to be basically kidnapped, get the hard sell (even in the fact of a crying child), lied to, subjected to racist comments, and being threatened for arrest, buy here. Otherwise, go elsewhere.