Run away from any rental that uses Landlord Protection Services to do their credit checks! They do a lazy, half-arsed job at a credit check that in most cases you will be paying for! In my case there was a person who had the same first and last name as I do who had 2 evictions on their record (or maybe it was 2 different peple considering that my name is fairly common...) yet there was no other identfying information other than a first and last name given to the Management company. Because of their lazy and sloppy ""investigation"" I was charged the maximum amount for a deposit on an apartment! I liked the apartment and was pressed for time to move so I paid the deposit that now the management company, Brittain Commercial, will hold until I move out and I will receive NO interest on those funds! I'm investigating legal action against both the Landlord Protection Service as well as the managment company and I can assure you that I'm a very through investigator, especially when I feel wronged!