This school has a state funded Pre-K which is NOT recommeded! The teachers were short tempered, yelled at the kids, talked rudely, and ALWAYS putting them in time-out. There was NEVER a day when my son was not in time-out at least 1 time.You may say, well that's because your kid is a brat. NO! When I questioned my son about what he did-he admitted to it and always gave a full story.To put my child in time-out for most of these things is just plain lazy selfishness of the teacher!I also found out that my child was singled out by being placed in a chair,while the rest of the kids sat on the floor.What does this do to my child?! It is abuse-mentally!On another note,the teachers don't follow the rules that are handed down from the director(so I am lead to believe),causing me lots of headache & time setting appointments to talk to the director about my problem.For example-My student got sent home 2 minutes later after dropping him off.Why?The teacher said he was missing a state needed form.This same teacher has NEVER informed me of this missing paper until this morning.Thank God I have a great flexible job-or it would have cost me a day of pay,an unscheduled absent,& possible loss of my job!The organization & the teaching style is absoultely uncalled for.The bad smell that lingers in the building when you walk in,& the odor on your child's clothes & bookbag when you pick them up.I would suggest that you really consider another school with a better program and better teachers!You are sure to keep a headache if enrolled here.Let me also emphasize that you have a 5 minute opening to drop your kid off(btw 8:00-8:05), no earlier(bc the teachers don't get paid to watch your kids)& no later bc your child will be marked tardy.Excessive tardies will get you kicked out of the school.Go figure! & picking up? If you are ONE minute later than 2:45 you will have to pay a $15 late fee.$15x5days=$75 wk=$300 mth.SPEND YOUR MONEY on a GOOD EDUCATION,not late fees!! This school is a joke!
Pros: FREE if you are on time, Christian Director,
Cons: Lazy Teachers,No Organization,Bad Odor,Drop off time,Parking