I just moved to Lake Station and the people that live next door are ridiculous! I asked them nicely not to use MY YARD as thier drive way and WOW did they flip out. I do not get it. I bought my house. Most people on my street rent! These are the worst neighbors ever. I bought a puppy that comes in every night and these lifeless people want to complain that my dog is out every night barking and waking them up. Well heres some news. I work midnights!!! my dogs are not out so find a new reason to complain about me! I thought this would be an OK place to live. i moved here because I found a cute little house at a great price; to bad I did not stop to think of the horrid neighbors next door. Good thing I have goals in life and I will not live here forever with my entire family of adults in a little house. they cannot take care of themselves or their belongings and want to complain about me. Please, I am a fulltime student and work two jobs and my dogs are not even out when I am not home so how much can they be outside? Get a hobby and do something good rather than waste time complaining about me. I do not recommend anyone moving to Lake Station if you want good neighbors. I now know of twelve different families that have this same problem with nasty white trash neighbors, with nothing to do with themselves but make up lies. The poor man who handels these complaints ha to waste his time for ignorance like this situation I have to put up with. Well news to these trashy neighbors...Ibought my house and I am here to stay until I feel like moving so get used to be proven wrong. my advice to neighbors like these: GET A LIFE!!
Pros: none with these neighbors
Cons: dirty white trash neighbors