Catherine Travis, Lac is licensed by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners. She is also a member of the Clinical faculty of Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. Please call today to schedule your appointment.
* Accepting New Patients
*Allergies & Asthma
*Also treatments for: High Blood Pressure
*Alternative Medicine
*Anxiety Reduction
*Arthritis Relief
*Chinese Medicine
*Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
*Chronic Illnesses
*Chronic Pain Relief
*Circulatory Disorders
*Deep Tissue Massage
*Digestive Disorders
*Energy Work
*Headaches & Migraines
*Holistic Healing
*Injury Recuperation
*Mind-Body Integration
*Pain & Migraine Relief
*Pain Management
*Preventive Care
*Same Day Appointments
*Sleep Disorders
*Sports Injuries
*Stress Management
*Stress Reduction Therapy
*TMJ Relief
*Tooth Pain