We have traveled down to this small law firm in a very small town for the past 5 years to have our taxes prepared. I think that our attorney, Scott Railsback, does an excellent job.
He is friendly, thorough and is very good at bringing various deductions to our attention. I learn something new about the tax code almost every single year. Odd thing to be excited about, I know, but if it saves me money, I'm all for it!
I used to go a tax service that is a national chain, but the down side to that is you almost always get a different tax preparer every year. Each year you have to explain "your story" to a different person. Married/single, kids/no kids, employer/employee, etc.
Having the same tax preparer to go to year after year is nice, because he already knows your situation and has last years return on file and is ready to input the numbers for this year.
In addition, he can also prepare your will or any other legal documents that need to be filed. I would highly recommend this law firm to prepare your taxes if you don't mind taking a little drive through the farmlands of Iowa. Wave "hi" to the horse and buggies as you pass by Kalona!