I cannot stress enough how awful this place is. I was a patient here for a while & with the things I witnessed, it's amazing they are still in business.
For one thing, there's the insurance mess ups. They failed to bill my insurance company until 1-2 years AFTER services were rendered (for about 3 or 4 visits.) Of course the insurance company wouldn't pay because they messed up & took too long, but then the office tried to bill me saying my insurance wouldn't pay & I had to pay up (because of their mistakes!)
A few times I even received notices from my insurance company saying the office had billed duplicate claims for the same dates over and over again, for ones they'd been paid for.
Another time, I had a surgery & the Dr. decided to take my appendix out while he was in there, (without my consent or foreknowledge.) He later billed this out as if it was two separate surgeries.
The insurance company informed me that this was insurance fraud, that when two things are done at the same time it counts as ONE surgery, not two. I confronted the Dr.'s office with it & they denied it & tried to insist I pay the several thousands of dollars they had overcharged me. I hired a lawyer & won-didn't pay a penny to these people for all of their fraud & mistakes.
I think their sign says it all. Their sign out front has to be changed all the time because Dr's come into this practice, realize what they've gotten themselves into & leave. I've seen at least 6 Dr's & Nurse Practitioners leave while I was a patient there.
So, NO, I cannot recommend this place at all to anyone.