THIS PLACE SHOULD NOT BE IN BUSINESS, I WENT HERE FOR THE FACT THEY WERE SO CLOSE TO MY HOME. A FEW YEARS AGO I FOUND MYSELF WITH A HORRIBLE TOOTH ACHE ON ONE SIDE OF MY MOUTH (TO THE POINT OF TEARS), ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE I DID HAVE A VERY SMALL CHIP ON MY TOOTH BUT TOLD THEM OVER AND OVER MY PAIN WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE. THE DR SAID NO IT JUST FEELS THAT ITS COMING FROM THE OTHER SIDE. OF COURSE IM IN SO MUCH PAIN IM GOING TO LISTEN TO THE DR SO I LET THEM DO THE WORK ON A TOOTH THAT I HAD NO PAIN! AFTER 7 HOURS TO DO A ROOT CANAL????AND OF COURSE AFTER OVER 1,000.00 LATER THE NUMBING MEDS WORE OFF IM BACK IN PAIN IN ER (now an ER bill) for the tooth I told them was hurting to begin with !!!! not only this situation but their crown cracked after 6 months, I went to have it re-done, the crown was not fitted properly, my nerves were twitching, jaw was so sore and wouldn't you know after one month the 2ND crown cracked again, I finally would not let this circus of a dentist touch my teeth