Learn from their mistake.
I purchased 6 items at Costa Mesa. 01/04/11 I returned all 6 items at Beverly Center Lacoste wrong size and purchased 6 more items . Rocio Beverly Centre LaCoste said wrong price on the item.
I was shock..the t-shirt sale price was $26.99 on the receipt $49.99, I paid $23 more than it was worth.
Beverly Centre store can't accept my return on that item and Costa Messa store already checked on their camera what item I bought 12/24 and they will accept my return in Costa Messa.
Went to Costa Mesa 01/10/11 Tessy the cashier said she can't accept returning the items that I bought because the camera match with items on the receipts that I purchased on 12/24, she accused I purchased somewhere else and returning at Costa Mesa and blamed Beverly Centre Lacoste made mistake on returned.
Lacoste Costa Mesa and Beverly Centre already seen in their camera what I purchased and returned were the same item.
Instead of look of on the security camera to match up again she blamed me as customer and Beverly Centre Lacoste made mistake.
Can you believe what she said ... I don't even know where I could find same sticker sale that Lacoste use for Sale items. For $23 bucks I have to argue with the person so lazy to take a look.
She returned my $23 bucks different after arguments.
Please check your receipt and price tag on the item before you leave the store to avoid any long drive and argument with anybody in Costa Mesa store.
Not worth your time.