The water that collects after three dozen Frenchman who haven't showered in six months would taste better than this place. I can't stress this enough...NEVER, EVER, for any circumstance, eat here. \r
Being from LA, I frequent San Diego a fair amount of times throughout the year, so I?m familiar with the Gaslamp District and 5th Ave. Also, being from LA, I know what great, good, and decent Mexican food tastes like. This restaurant served nothing of the kind. The salsa tastes like canned tomato pure with a little salt and sugar. That worried me right from the start. I ordered the carne asada, which also came with a cheese enchilada. The carne asada looked like someone peeled a raccoon off of a big rig tire, then burned it to a crisp over a charcoal grill and threw it on a plate. Now, I?ve never tasted something like I described above, but I?m sure that what they served me is what it would taste like.\r
So, how do you mess up a cheese enchilada? Ask this place, because they massacred it. You?re thinking, how is that possible? A corn tortilla, cheese, and some enchilada sauce?how hard is that? Apparently, it?s like rocket surgery to the chefs/microwave technicians that work at this place. I literally took one bite of the carne asada and one bite of the enchilada. That?s all I ate at this place. My friends that were with me ate about the same from their plates. They ordered the chicken enchiladas and the chimichanga. WOW. We had to go the tequila bar across the street called the Lime to wash away the bad taste this place left.\r
I?ve had bad Mexican before, and usually it was outside of California. I?ve even had a little bit in California. I?ve never had something this bad. Even with the great patio seating, the service, the energy and excitement of 5th street at night, this place still managed to ruin our night in San Diego. Save your money and buy something from the freezer section at your local supermarket, you?ll be much more satisfied.\r