As you must know, we have brought the latest and most exciting tool in the fight against hair loss to the Central Coast! Thousands of local residents have seen us on the morning and evening news on KSBY this past November, on the internet, heard us on the local radio or read about us in Central Coast publications like the Tribune, New Times and the SLO Journal. The word has been spreading fast because of the great results we get everyday! Laser hair therapy clinics are now commonplace in almost every major city in the U.S. LLLT uses cool, natural light to help MEN or WOMEN: * Stop Hair Loss * Re-Grow Hair * Strengthen Weak And Damaged Hair * Thicken Thinning Hair * Add Body And Sheen To Dull Hair We invite you or anyone you know who is bothered by hair loss to call us for a free consultation and scalp analysis and complimentary initial treatment. Consultations at 1035 Peach St. Ste 302, SLO (The new Paso Location is set up for treatments only.)