I loved listening to NPR for their straightforward delivery of the news and in-depth analysis. Sure, it made the kids yawn, but that's all I wanted to hear. If I wanted jaunty morning-show jibber jabber, I'd get the news from tv.
So how disappointed was I when they tried to "revamp" Morning Edition with new hosts a couple years ago? One of the main benefits to getting my news from NPR was how professional and authoritative they sounded. Now the new hosts can barely spit out TWO SENTENCES without mucking it up or stumbling over words and phrases like a drunken sorority girl. I'm not listening to what they're saying now so much as wishing the old host was back.
Seriously, the next time you listen, count how many bumbles and mistakes are made in ONE minute of air-time. I thought these people were PROFESSIONALS! And not only can they NOT read the paper in front of them, they're now doing the ever-so-annoying chat-time segues between stories.
"Oh Bunny, how was the Sonics game last night?"
"It was great! I had front row seats and was screaming my brains out!"
"It must've been cold on the way out."
"Why yes it...."