If you're looking for a tutor on the Eastside there are many options. We chose KUMON in Factoria run by Queenie Louie. She also operates a center on Mercer Island. Our 2nd grader has much more confidence with math, doesn't mind doing his Kumon practice every day, and the teacher has seen improvement.
1- it's affordable.
2- their approach is to strengthen the student's foundation. If your child moves along in a subject without a strong foundation - then everything that follows will be more difficult.
3- the work involves daily practice, but not a lot of time.
4- student sets time goals & uses a timer for their work
5- it's not one-on-one tutoring which some students may need. Support is there for your child though. Consider this... they build a strong foundation and they practice.
6- it does involve scheduling and a commitment
Don't WAIT too long. Check them out. They have young children (pre-K) and go through High School. They do test prep. Highly Recommend.