Krill Funeral Home serving our community for over 143 years. At Krill Funeral Home we serve our community with the following credo: We believe that if anyone, or any firm, serves long enough, he will succeed or fail depending on the policy he pursues. In the course of experiencing your faith in us through a century, we have developed a creed that is very sacred to us as we serve you. Each final statement we present to all we serve carries this sentiment. We wish to express to you our sincere sympathy in a time of loss as well as our appreciation for your trust in us. It is our purpose to give you thoughtful service and if in doing so we have lightened your burden, our aim has been accomplished. We sincerely hope that our service has been deserving of your confidence. We want all to know that this measure of gratitude for our success is always foremost in our thoughts and that your confidence is, and always will be, our sacred trust. 143 years, 1875-2018, and four generations through which your trust and support have made us feel highly honored. At Krill Funeral Home we offer Pre-Planning, Cremation & Funeral Services. Our goal is to provide services that honor life and to treat your family as our own We are committed to the highest level of service. We are here to help you every step of the way. We are a phone call away.